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A member registered Oct 19, 2020

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Recent community posts

I like graphics, idea. Nice puzzle game. I only got stuck for while on the fan bug so I also tried fixed WebGL version. Good Job.

Nice relaxing game

Amazing epic background music. Sometimes I was confused if I hit the infected or not. Despite of that very good game.

Nice game. I like that friends position and emojis are random on every new play.

Fun to play. Original tutorial. Easy to control. I grew to size that small planes were barely visible. Nice game. Good job.

Amazing atmosphere, visuals, sound. Control is very comfortable. I like this game. Great Job.

Fun and chaotic. Quite hard to get in level 2 but then starts cannon machine gun :) . I managed to get level 20 but after while  game crash due to some memory problem. Despites of that it is good game. Great work.

Fun to play. Second level ending was quite unexpected. For the first run the slime was so big that it was not able to fit that hole until it shrank down and died immediately. It brought good feature that I have to think what to eat and what not. I like that. Nice work.

Fun idea, unexpecting ending. I like it. Good work.

Fun. I Like how SFX and music fit the game. Some of enemies could move faster. And usually when I survived spawn time I ran in area where enemies have only one open path then you just can "vine" them all. Score 135. Nice work.

Very good combination of visuals, music and SFX. Control is very comfortable and I appreciate controls description right in game. Only thing i miss there is way to restart game (In cases you got stuck or you finished the game). Finished in 2:59.86. Good Work.